BAGTAG announces collaboration with Amadeus

We are very excited to announce that BAGTAG has become an Amadeus partner.

With this collaboration, Amadeus and BAGTAG now have a direct connection between each other’s systems, enabling airlines in the Amadeus community to implement our electronic bag tag solutions quicker, within a matter of weeks

The last few years, electronic bags tags (EBTs) have evolved significantly with more advanced and reliable technology and a proven innovation that contributes to an improved passenger journey. EBTs are reusable electronic devices using e-paper, that can be easily prepared and attached to suitcases by travellers at home. During the COVID-19 crisis this technology has become more relevant than ever, as EBTs deliver a more touchless travel experience, allowing travellers to remove the check-in process from the airport entirely.

With this new collaboration with Amadeus, we have built a plugin that removes the complexity of having to integrate airline systems with BAGTAG and the Departure Control System – making EBTs a much more efficient and practical solution for airlines to implement. As a result, the time has come to further standardise its implementation.

We take great pride in the fact that EBTs as a concept and our company are seeing steady growth. We firmly believe that technology can make a step-change in helping restore traveller confidence, and this collaboration signals a new and improved phase for the industry which will benefit airlines and passengers alike.

I’d be pleased to further introduce you to the EBT framework BAGTAG offers and of course to tell you more about the simplified connection process with Amadeus.

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