Gepäck einchecken bei KLM

Please keep in mind that you can only use BAGTAG on flights to and from AMS Schiphol Airport for the time being.

Do you want to use BAGTAG on your next KLM flight? Use the BAGTAG app to check in your baggage.

Enabled airports

BAGTAG is accepted on KLM flights to and from most airports worldwide. Refer to the list below to see which airports are or aren’t BAGTAG-enabled yet for KLM flights.

KLM enabled airports

Gepäck einchecken bei KLM


Please keep in mind that you can only use BAGTAG on flights to and from AMS Schiphol Airport for the time being.

Do you want to use BAGTAG on your next KLM flight? Use the BAGTAG app to check in your baggage.


Enabled airports

A large number of airports worldwide are BAGTAG-enabled, but with a few exceptions. Please refer to the list below to see which airports are or aren’t BAGTAG-enabled yet for KLM flights.

KLM enabled airports

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